Experimental playground - Try a full example app
import { useState } from 'react';
import reactLogo from './assets/react.svg';
import viteLogo from '/vite.svg';
import * as stylex from '@stylexjs/stylex';
import StyleXLogo from './StyleXLogo';
export default function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
return (
<a {stylex.props(styles.link)} href="https://vite.dev" target="_blank">
<img {stylex.props(styles.logo)} src={viteLogo} alt="Vite logo" />
<a {stylex.props(styles.link)} href="https://react.dev" target="_blank">
{stylex.props(styles.logo, styles.logoReact)}
alt="React logo"
<a {stylex.props(styles.link)} href="https://stylexjs.com" target="_blank">
<StyleXLogo style={styles.logo} />
<h1 {stylex.props(styles.h1)}>Vite + React</h1>
<div {stylex.props(styles.card)}>
onClick={() => setCount((count) => count + 1)}
count is {count}
Edit <code>src/App.tsx</code> and save to test HMR
<p {stylex.props(styles.readDocs)}>
Click on the Vite, React and StyleX logos to learn more
const spin = stylex.keyframes({
from: { transform: 'rotate(0deg)' },
to: { transform: 'rotate(360deg)' },
const LIGHT_MODE = '@media (prefers-color-scheme: light)';
const MEDIA_ANIMATION = '@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)';
const styles = stylex.create({
link: {
fontWeight: 500,
color: {
default: '#646cff',
':hover': {
default: '#535bf2',
[LIGHT_MODE]: '#747bff',
textDecoration: 'inherit',
logo: {
filter: {
default: null,
':hover': 'drop-shadow(0 0 2em #646cffaa)',
height: '6em',
padding: '1.5em',
transitionProperty: 'filter',
transitionDuration: '300ms',
willChange: 'filter',
logoReact: {
filter: {
default: null,
':hover': 'drop-shadow(0 0 2em #61dafbaa)',
animationName: {
default: null,
animationDuration: {
default: null,
animationIterationCount: 'infinite',
animationTimingFunction: 'linear',
card: { padding: '2em' },
readDocs: { color: '#888' },
h1: {
fontSize: '3.2rem',
lineHeight: 1.1,
button: {
appearance: 'none',
borderWidth: 1,
borderRadius: 8,
borderStyle: 'solid',
borderColor: {
default: 'transparent',
':hover': '#646cff',
paddingBlock: '0.6em',
paddingInline: '1.2em',
fontSize: '1em',
fontWeight: 500,
fontFamily: 'inherit',
backgroundColor: {
default: '#1a1a1a',
[LIGHT_MODE]: '#f9f9f9',
cursor: 'pointer',
transitionProperty: 'border-color, transform',
transitionDuration: {
default: '0.2s',
':active': '0.1s',
outline: {
default: 'none',
':focus-visible': '4px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color',
transform: {
default: 'scale(1)',
'@media (hover: hover)': {
default: null,
':hover': 'scale(1.025)',
':active': 'scale(0.99)',
':active': 'scale(0.975)',
stylexLogo: {
width: 124,